Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Family Valentine's Date

For the second year in a row we celebrated Valentine's Day as a family with dinner at COSI & a trip to Build-A-Bear.  Mia knew which bear she was going to choose before we left the house this morning. She remembered a rainbow bear from last year. I swear she has the memory of an elephant. She named her Rainbow Wish. Instead of instilling kindness or happiness in the computerized heart, she chose stylish & sparkly as her top traits. I swear its not my fault!!!!  She named her Rainbow Wish.
Wesley is still a little young to have much of a preference but Damon & I seriously beelined for the Ninja Turtles. It was a toss up between Leonardo & Michelangelo. Damon says we should go back for Wes' birthday & get Mikey. Who do you think had the most fun?? lol
I'm pretty sure this first picture sums up taking toddlers out in public for dinner. Wine, dinosaurs & loud screams. The only thing missing is the sippy cup being thrown on the ground repeatedly. Perhaps I should have ordered the bottle??


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