At 23 months we can not take our eyes off you for fear you could be swimming in the toilet or scaling the book shelves. You love to torture your sister by hitting her or taking her favorite toys, squeezing them to your chest while shouting MINE! Your favorite toy in the world is a tiny Dyson vacuum daddy bought you. Unfortunately, we never want to give it to you because when its time to take it away you meltdown & cry for an hour. Daddy bought you a set of Disney Fire & Rescue books & now you're in love with Dusty Crophopper. You love for mama to blow dry your hair after a bath.
You love music & know the words to Shake It Off & John Jacob Jingleheimer. We've been to story time at the library a couple times this month. You could care less about the actual stories but you love when the librarian sang songs with his guitar.You have a new crazy toddler smile when ever I pull out my camera. You love to count and know lots of your shapes. We are soooo excited to move into this new house so that you can have your own room!! No more sleeping in the basement family room!!!! You still wear mostly 18-24 month clothes & size 6 shoes.

This is the last time we will count your age in months. Now it will sound like 2, 4, 6, 20 years old. No matter what you'll always be my sunshine boy, my joy. The best baby/toddler on the block. Except when you're mad & you slap me in the face. eek
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