Usually we go to the Sweet Corn Festival and sweat our butts off in 100 degree heat. Holy lucky, this year it was cool enough we had to buy Wes a long sleeve shirt while we were there. The most perfect nite with the most beautiful sky!! My mom watched the babies bc the grounds are gravel and super hilly. We were much less focused on corn (I mean seriously Damon only ate 3 pieces!) this year. My priorities were doughnuts, the kids (esp Mia) only had eyes for the rides. She ran like a maniac from one ride to the next. I took her on the Ferris Wheel for the first time and she made herself hoarse screaming " this is the best day of my life!!!" Wes was more timid with the rides so he did the dizzy dogs & the carousel with daddy. And yes that is a leash I put on my child. NO shame in my momming game after watching him sprint Olympic style away from me at the Columbus Commons, I'm over it. Leash life FOREVS!!!!!
Ohhh the pumpkin mini doughnuts with sugar. I'll be dreaming about you until next year!!!

Sweet Corn Festival 2012
Sweet Corn Festival 2011
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