Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy Birthday Wesley!

Happiest 3rd Birthday to my beautiful sunshine boy!!!! You're a total ham and make us laugh everyday, You're amazingly smart and people can't believe how well you communicate. You love Star Wars, legos, superheroes and music. You've taken to wearing a Super Man cape around the house. It melts my heart when you insist on wearing a hat, especially when you put your Yankees ball cap on. No prompting, just your personality coming through. You usually sleep with tiny Thomas the Train figures. You love to have dance parties to the Ghostbuster's theme song or Do You Love Me by The Contours. I would love to get you guitar lessons at some point because I feel like you truly love music. Tonite it was storming and you were afraid of the thunder. I told you it was just Thor in the sky using his hammer. You kept saying, "Mama I hear him, I hear Thor!!"
From two years to three it wasn't all sweetness. You torture your sister relentlessly. You throw tantrums to get your way. You love to say naughty words to get our attention. You've punched, kicked and spit. There are days when you say, "You don't need babies in your belly." Then there are my favorite moments when you tell me you are going to feed the babies and play with them. I know its going to be a hard transition going from mama's boy, the baby, to the middle child. Please always know that you're my first baby boy. You stole my heart the day you were born and we will always have that special bond. I LOVE YOU Wesley Crush!!!


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