Monday, February 29, 2016

34 Weeks w the Twins

I'm confident in saying 34 weeks (and 3 days) with twins is like 42 weeks with a singleton. I literally can't sit straight up so getting out of bed involves a very unattractive rolling maneuver. I've got three doctors appointments per week that leave me tired and stressed out. I'm up 4-5 times a nite and fear I'll never sleep well again. Because c'mon it only gets worse when the twins arrive right? I'm eating 4-5 honey crisp apples per day. I don't know what's wrong with me, I CAN NOT STOP. Actually I can't stop eating in general. The babies weigh around 5.8  & 5.13 and I'm sure I've gained over 40lbs. I've stopped counting. Frequently asked questions: Yes, I'm still working and no I'm not on bed rest. Lucky for me I make my own schedule so there are def days when I come home early to nap. I've had weekly milestones to make it to 28 weeks, 32 weeks, next up is 35!! Baby A is still breech & B is vertex which means I'm scheduled for a c-section on 3.21 if they don't come before. My birthday is the 20th and Wes' is the 15th. So YAHHHH for all the birthdays in the same week. We were trying for a Fall baby. #fail My husband has been incredible taking on dinner time, bath time, hanging my random nesting projects and keeping my apple supply stocked up! Today is actually the anniversary of our first date. Leap Year Love!!! 

Dress: Abercrombie Cardi: Target Shoes: Clothes Mentor Lips: Mac Vegas Volt


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