Monday, December 7, 2015

We Heart the Tree Farm

On Saturday we headed out to Timbuk Tree Farm. It was soooo foggy we weren't even sure they would be open. So happy we kept on because we got there and it wasn't craaazy busy for a Saturday morning. The kids could have even seen Santa with NO LINE, but the literally wouldn't get with in 10 feet of him or Mrs. Claus. Timbuk has school buses and an old caboose that drop and pick you up depending on the type of tree you want. We usually get Canaan, and the kids LOVE riding the buses!!! We got home and poor Wes spiked a fever. He was up all nite so we canceled our Sunday plans (a trip to IKEA for twin furniture) and stayed home all day. He was too sick to even help decorate the tree, poor baby. Mia melted our hearts with her enthusiasm for decorating this year. I'll remember her smile forever as she put her "special ornaments" on. My hubby is always pretty cute to be around this time of year too. He loves decorating and putting our "family ornaments" in prominent places on the tree.


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