Monday, August 4, 2014

Mean the Most

On Sunday, after a weekend filled w countless bowls of ice cream, walks & play dates my girl still wanted more. The story of her life. She begged us to go to Blendon Woods. Damon & I were grumpy & hot, but we did it anyway. When they look back they'll forget the "mommy's over it" face Imade when she asked me to push the swing higher for the 334th time. All they'll remember are these snap shots. A pb&j on a hot day, mama's silly hat, daddy swinging baby brother who has suddenly become petrified of the swings, chubby feet & wild rides down the slide with the monkey her Aunt Brandi got her the day she was born. This is why I blog, take a million pictures & we go even when we're tired. At the end of all our days this will mean the most.


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