Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My Mommy Mantra

I have quite a few inherent traits from being an only childhood. Most prominent, lots of self confidence. My parents spent my childhood telling me how wonderful I was, that i could do anything & do it well. I believed them. This has really really helped me in the crazy town of mommy land. A town where on certain days it can be really easy to feel like a failure. With my over inflated ego boosting me I don't carry tons of mommy guilt, beat myself up on a daily basis or think that i suck. I know I'm a good mom doing the best i can to balance 2 babies, working full time, being a wife, friend, daughter....
When those inevitable moments come that I lose patience & snap at my kids or I screw up at work (because of my kids) i find myself repeating my Mommy Mantra. This too shall pass. This week I had a client who was angry with me for not returning a call within an hour as my voicemail promises. The nite before I'd been up super late with a screaming, teething Wesley. Don't beat yourself up mama, this too shall pass. Wesley is 15 months, doesn't walk & still takes a bottle. Mia is over 3 & still wears a pull up bc she will not crap in the potty. Mom fail? Nope, this too shall pass.  We have ants in our condo bc Wes throws the majority of his food on the floor & these tired parents don't have the energy to mop & sweep everyday (hour). I haven't been to the gym to work on my invisible 6 pack in two weeks bc the babies have been high maintenence & work has been crazy. Guess what? This too shall pass.
So if i could offer any advice to parents, it would be share a little of my confidence. You're the best parent your child could have. When he has a poop explosion on floor and runs over it with his walker, smearing it all over the house before you notice, remember, this too shall pass. Then go to target and buy a new rug.


Anonymous said...

Graham straight pissed on the floor TWO times today instead of telling me he had to potty!! I think this too, he'll get it one day...

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