Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wesley Crush: 8 Months

My plans for Wesley's pictures this year included newborn, 6 months & 1 year. When 6 months rolled around & he wasn't sitting unsupported at all,  I decided to hold off.  Finally just before 8 months he nailed it!!! Finally showing a desire to MOVE. You constantly roll to your belly and flail your little hands and feet. It's a tiny Superman move & pretty much the cutest thing ever. You now HATE the bath. You went from splashing & smiling during bath time to screaming like we chopped your legs off. You weigh around 18lbs and wear 9-12 clothes.
We started introducing solids this month. Not sure why I waited so long, probably just busy. So far you've had avocado, sweet potato, peas & carrots.  I always try & introduce new foods in the morning, in case you have some sort of reaction.  Strangely enough the morning you had carrots you came home from Nana's with your eyes SUPER swollen.  According to Google, an allergic reaction to carrots is extremely rare. I swear you could barely open your eyes & were fussy all day.  I haven't given you any food since to let your system rest.  Drinking Similac Sensitive 5-7 oz bottles every 3-4 hours. Sleeping 12 hours+ EVERY night. HEAVEN.
You bring such an easy happiness to our family. Everyone is smitten with you but especially Daddy. He says your the only one who laughs at his jokes. lol That's because you laugh at everything.  Your favorite toy seems to be Sophie. You spend a ton of time chewing & drooling on her.  You also like Mia's Pony Tails Book (by Jelly Cat). You have the most beautiful eyelashes. Not only are they long but they are curly & I'm jealous!!  These pictures capture our 1st time at Pine Quarry.  
Photo Credit : Ashley West Photography.


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