Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mia Isabelle: 30 Month Update

Last week we went for Mia's 2.5 year check up. I didn't even know this existed until I called the pediatricians office to beg them for a flu shot this week & they told me we needed to come in. You bounced between excitement & nervousness. It went from,  Let's go see the fish tank to I don't want to get a shot. That seems to be a classic representation of your mind set right now. You 'll ask for a glass of milk, we hand it to & BAM, shrieking, thrashing, I don't want milk. I can physically see you trying to control & manipulate situations.
You are 35 inches & 24 lbs, in other words suuuuper skinny!!! You are starting to wear some 3t, size 6-7 shoes.As much as you like to do things independently getting dressed isn't one of those.  You don't have much interest in picking out or putting on your clothes, unless its pjs at night.  I've been teaching you Right from Left by Saying, Rightie, Leftie, get into your home, when we put on pants. You can almost count to 20 perfectly. Usually around 16 there might be a mistake. You know our address by heart.
For the most part you are well behaved & extremely polite, great with thank yous. It has been amazing watching you become a big sister. Even after 7 months you're still obsessed with Wesley, constantly squeezing and chatting with him. It cracks me up when you say, "my little chunky Wesley, you're so cute & chunky." HAHA You've had 3 hair cuts, daddy has taken you every time.

There isn't much to say about your vocabulary, since you can basically converse like an adult & repeat any word we may try & teach you. You still sleep through the night amazingly well, although this past month getting you into bed has looked like a bad episode of Super Nanny. Screaming, thrashing, hitting your hid against the back of the crib.  Thank goodness you are still in your crib or you may never have gone down on those nites. With any difficult situation my inner voice always tells me , this too shall pass. Just like all the rest of your challenging behaviors (like crying 8 hours a day as an infant) the nite time battles seem to be waning

You love Dora, Diego & Daniel the Tiger.  You know how to use the ipad, better then I do & bring up Netflix like a pro.  You have several different apps that you play, Endless Alphabet is one of our favs.  Your most favorite thing in the world has to be playing outside.  You love splashing in the puddles, rock collecting & racing around the playground making friends. If you see a new friend you'll say, Mom, ask her name. I try to encourage you to ask.  It amazes me how you thrive in every new situation and remember details months later.   

Potty training is not happening & I know its my fault. I need to spend three days putting you on the potty every 30 minutes but I'm too lazy.  I keep hoping I'll wake up one morning & you'll be all about the potty but so far you r content with pull ups. #momfail  I have no idea how much I should be pushing you, the pediatrician doesn't seem concerned so I'm really not either.

You're super affectionate lately, especially with me. I get like 20 unsolicited I love you mamas (melt) every day. You've been waking up between 630-700, & getting into bed w me. You'll say, Let's snuggle in this cute raspy voice. I don't ever want to forget.

We love you so much Mia. You are the storm cloud & the sunshine in my every day.


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