Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wesley Crush: 20 Months

This month you officially started WALKING!!!!! I had scheduled you a therapy eval for Tuesday & of course you took off walking the Monday nite before. You were 19 months 6 days. Now your favorite thing is for us to chase you. You'll say "I get you," and take off toddling as fast as you can peeking over your shoulder to make sure we're chasing you.
You've been more interested in reading books recently. You're current favorite is Pat the Bunny. I'm sure that's bc its interactive. You're not super excited about sitting & listening to books if you can't lift flaps or touch something cool. You love Mia like crazy & are always calling for Sissy. Unfortnately it  may not seem that way when you're biting her or ripping her hair out by the roots. We don't take it persoanlly since you've slapped daddy & I both in the face & pulled poor baby Eli's hair more times than we can count. Definitely the age!!!
We took you for your 3rd haircut. Since the first two were screaming, hyseterical melt downs daddy thought it would be a good idea if I went. I held you on my lap & gave you a sucker. You didn't make a peep!!!!  You're serious a binky lover, way more than your sister ever was.. When you call for  binkkky we can hear the adoration in your voice. I'm dreading taking it away!!!!!

We can't take our eyes off of you for a minute or you'll be on the way to some massive injury like standing on the back of the couch trying to jump into the crib.  You love grabbing the remote, pointing it at the TV shouting show, Barney, Barney! I love cradling you in my arms before bed like a tiny baby but those days seem to be coming to an end. You're getting to big & won't held still like you used too. I'll treasure those just before bed snuggles long after they are over. xoxoxoxox


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