Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wesley Crush: 6 Months

My Precious Boy,
The time has come and gone when all the baby gurus said you should be rolling over.  Last weekend when Esther & baby R were here you rolled from back to tummy just to show off. I am pretty certain if you really wanted you'd be rolling like a maniac. The thing is Wesley Crush, you aren't a maniac. You're simply content to take it all in. You live to be loved on, hugged, squeezed and smooched. I promise you there is no shortage of this!!!  PS Since I wrote this you rolled over twice in a row to grab some toy ice cream! A man after my own ice cream loving heart!!!

You have been on straight formula for a month now & usually take 6 ozs every 3-4 hours.  We finally kicked you out of our bedroom & everyone is sleeping better:) Typically you go down around 7pm, up at 3am for a bottle and then sleep til 7am. You had your 1st over nite with Tachee & Pop Pop this month:)
You took your 1st trip to the North Market with Mom, Mims, Pop Pop & Tachee. You constantly babble and make a ma, ma, ma noise. It  sounds like you are saying mama!! I''m fine with telling everyone that was your 1st word:) You also figured out how to make raspberries. Mia loves to exclaim over your new trick, mom he blew a raspberry!!! You wear 6-9 month clothes & weigh in at 15 lbs 13oz. On occasion something pisses you off, then you have a shriek that could break 1000 glass ceilings:(
Take your time growing up little boy. Mama & Daddy will always be here to encourage and support you. Never comparing or forcing competition between you & your sister. She's our wild thundery rainstorm while you're our gentle breeze, sunshine boy. That is just the way we like it!!!


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