Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wesley Crush: 4 months

To my beautiful boy...

This month you found your voice... For a moment I worried your sister was going to drown you out. Not anymore!!! You have two super sonic cries. One sounds like a screeching cat, the other could literally burst an eardrum. These are saved for special occasions like being over tired or being extra hungry.
My most favorite time with you is 1st thing in the morning. As I unswaddle you I'm greeted with the sweetest smiles and coos. You wave your chubby arms and share joy through your eyes. It's the perfect moment.
You are not rolling over quite yet but often I'll  find you on your side.
I snuck away to Chicago, just for one day & you were fantastic for Daddy:)
You're wearing 6 month clothes and drinking anywhere from 3-5oz per bottle feeding.  Sleeping from 5-8 hrs /nite. In bed between 7p-8pm.
The 4 month check up is not until the 25th so i have no clue how much you weigh.
Can anyone guess in which picture daddy dressed Crush?? lol



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