Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Green Baby

I went to Sprout Soup today to take advantage of the Fuzzibunz buy 6 get 2 free deal.. While shopping I saw an advertisement for Green B.e.a.n Delivery. I have been looking for a CSA, a way for us to get fresh, organic fruits & veggies. So excited about Green B.e.a.n. Two things I like that are a little different then a classic CSA. 1. They deliver to your door..Woot 2. your not forced to receive the product every week. You can opt out weeks as needed.. Yahoo. They also offer organic pre-made baby foods!!! I know it says Cincinnati but they cover Columbus too!!


Mrs. B said...

Oooh, we looked into Green Bean earlier this year, but I couldn't justify the monthly minimum they required (I think it was $40, and try as a I might I couldn't figure out how we'd spend $40/month on produce). I'm thinking about looking into it again since I'm making A's food and I'm suddenly way too busy for grocery stores!! I'm interested to hear how it works for you!

Erin Marie said...

Love it, thanks for sharing! I am making all Ian's food and going through tons of fruits and veggies right now. Amazing how 5 large peaches makes about 3 containers of baby food! :) Thanks!

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