Monday, May 23, 2016

Twins Two Month Update

Grayson (Left): My sleeper never the 1st to wake, makes you work hard for the new found smiles and coos. My slow eater, tinier babe.
Weight: One month 8lbs 11oz 21.5in Two Months: TBD

Wyatt: Right: So bright eyed with wide mouth smiles, always talking. The first to wake, super fast eater, biggie baby.
Weight: One Month 9.11 ozs 21in. Two Months: TBD

Eating & Sleeping: Since you know that's all they do! From ten days to two months the twins were bottled fed breast milk every 3 hours. 6am-9am-12p-3p-6p. The 9p and midnite feedings were supplemented with formula. We've used Similac and Enfamil. Both have been totally tolerated. I was still getting up pumping at night so I had about a weeks worth of milk in the freezer. On Saturday the 21st I was fasting a mastitis infection with the antibiotic Keflex.  By Sunday morning I was in the ER with a burn like rash covering 80% of my body, a temp of 103 and HR around 150. At one point my )2 levels were in the 80's. I was eventually diagnosed with Stevens Johnson Syndrome, a rare reaction to infection/antibiotics. I was in the hospital for 5 days and unable to pump sufficiently to keep my supply, as well as dumping what I did pump. They used my small stockpile and are now strictly on formula. They've been eating every 4 hours and yesterday slept from 7:30pm-11:30pm took 4 oz slept until 5am took 4 oz, slept until 9am.  SERIOUSLY BEST BABIES IN THE WORLD.  I'm still pumping and hoping to start supplementing with breast milk within two days. Not sure my supply will ever back to what it was, especially since they don't nurse. Either way, my babies are healthy, happy and I am so HAPPY TO BE HOME!!!


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