Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wesley Crush: 15 Months

This month your vocabulary exploded!! Probably only immediate family can understand but it still amazes me when you say thank you in the proper context!!!!!!  You love to jump up & down while saying "ump ump". In the tub it's "ash ash" as you furiously kick our legs splashing water Still sleeping like a champion. You say uh-oh with the CUTEST "oh" in the universe. For the most part you're down to one 2-3 hour nap at 10am. Bedtime is most definitely 7pm.
At your 15 month appointment you weighed 20 lbs 7 ozs & measured 30 in. This puts you in the 25% for height & weight. You wear 18months-2t clothing & wear a size 4 diaper. For a long time your hair was dark like daddy's but lately it's looking more strawberry blonde. It also has a little wave. You may be taking from my side of the family, specifically my dad. You finally stopped zombie crawling & you're scooting around on your knees 90% of the time. For the first time today I left the room & came back in to find you standing. You're finally starting to pull up on things confidently. The pediatrician actually asked me if we wanted to have you evaluated by a physical therapist. I've never been extremely worried about how slowly you've hit your milestones. Mia was the same way & I'm pretty sure thats just how we roll.
You are the family clown for sure. Always cracking us up by squishing your nose& breathing like a bull or shrieking & annoying your sister. Your favorite book right now is Peek A Who? You love to cover Your face & say "boo." I took you swimming in the big pool for the first time & you absolutely loved it. You never fussed once & floated around splashing contentedly. The total opposite of your sister, as always.
You have tons of teeth that look like they might burst through the gums at any minute but besides your two bottoms the only other one peeking through is the top right front tooth. You would never now your teething as you are still a ball of sunshine 90% of the day. My biggest challenge is the separation anxiety. It only happens when I am with you which is weird. If I'm in the room & walk away you scream bloody murder. Once I'm gone to work or where ever you're totally fine. When I come back in my arms is where you are most content.  You & daddy have a pretty special bond developing. You blow each other kisses at bedtime & spend lots of time adoring each other pretty much every day.
Happiest Father's day to the two greatest guys I know!! How did I ever get so lucky? 

Besides his slight picture aversion, Damon is practically perfect!! lol


Moe said...

Actually Carrie and Damon are the only ones with straight hair. Everyone else has at least a wave to their hair and Dan had a 'fro in high school.

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