Sunday, January 5, 2014

Little Moments are the Best

Me: Do you know how much I love you?
Mia: More than ice cream?
Me: Yes, exactly!!!

Mia: Mom, my Dora picture (coloring book) is sooooo fascinating,  I'm going to take her picture.
For Wesley we've been introducing tons of new foods into our daily routine. Here he is munching on bananas & raspberries. His favorite snack is yobaby yogurt. He  learned to wave this week and is close to clapping.
On the lazy mom front, I have put very little effort into potty training my almost 3 year old. I had this glorious dream she would wake up one morning and potty train herself. Lo and behold yesterday morning she woke up, asked to sit on the potty & peed. She did this 3 more times though out the day.  NO prompting from me!!! This from the girl who has had a potty seat in her room for a year and only peed in it once. I'm pretty sure by the look on her face that was an unexpected accident.  GO Mimi GO!!!
This face is the quintessential Mia face. Trying so hard to be serious & very dramatic. She wants to be taken very seriously!!! She's also probably over me having my cameras (yes multiple!!) in her face.
On a non kiddo note, Sara & I snuck out last nite for dinner & a late movie.   I loved Walter Mitty but the 1st hour is pretty slow. If you don't love photography, cinematography, travel & Shirley Maclaine, it's probably not the movie for you.


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