Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 Month Update: Wesley Crush

Happy 10 months Wesley David!!
You have been working on learning to crawl for a few weeks.  Lucky for me the only thing you've managed to do is drag your upper body around in a 360. It won't be long before you figure out the legs/arms & then I am in trouble. I have no idea how to baby proof the house with a 2.5 year old running around!!!
Speaking of Mia, you've been trying to play & communicate w her something fierce. It usually involves hair pulling & high pitched screaming. Totally ADORABLE!!!

Clothes: Still pushing into 18 month onsies/pjs.
Eating: LOTS of new foods!! Blackberries, raspberries, black beans, cottage cheese, broccoli, zucchini. Puffs are still your favorite. Watching you pick them up with those chubby fingers, I could watch you eat for hours. 
Sleeping still in the pack & play. Down at 6:30pm up at 7:30am EVERY NIGHT!! It's a dream! @ naps one at 10am the 2nd at 2pm. We've had maybe 2 warm days this month where we could sneak to the park. Other than that its been INSIDE . You love to chew on your Bla Bla fox & bang on our little piano.. Sophie giraffe was your favorite, but just like Mia's Sophie, she's disappeared:(   Favorite book is Gallop.  I know it's your favorite bc its the only book you don't try & grab out of my hands & chew. You actually sit & watch the animals move.  You can decisively wave Hi & try to clap. Despite drooling like a maniac & chewing on everything you have no teeth. Mia didn't get any until 11 months so we are used to gummy babies!
No milestone or monthly update could ever capture the sweetness in your spirit. Your smile can  make our hearts burst with happiness. Sometimes you grab my wedding ring or pull a piece of my hair & give this tiny little laugh. It's like you know the secret to life right then & there. Thank you for sharing it my sweet Crush:)


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