Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thanks Dad

These past few months have been really difficult. After my 1st hospital stay, my dad had a severe neurological event that had him in the hospital for a week, sent home with little to no answers. He is steadily improving but originally couldn't walk, had double vision and a heart rate in the 20's. THEN I had another hospital stay this week for severe muscular chest pin (pleurisy), on top of a grouchy teething babe, trying to get rid of two mortgages, losing our family pet..I'm sure there's more I am just blocking it out.
ANYWAY, my dad sent me this text yesterday & I LOVE IT!!! Thanks Dad, I needed that!!!!


Mrs. B said...

Oh Liz, that made me tear up. I hope the next couple of months are much better for you guys!

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