Saturday, August 18, 2012

16 Months

You had a Drs appt yesterday & you weigh 19.2 lbs!! Yeah! That's a  1.5 lb in one month!! You still haven't had a hair cut , but I did trim your bangs a little.

Obviously the biggest news this month is that your officiallly walking.  Your obsession with sitting down and reading or being read to seems to have vanished with the new found independance that comes with walking. Now your asking to get down & "play?" every second.

You use almost every word as a verb.
Park?- Mom lets go down the slide & play on the swings!!!
Pool?- Can we go swimming?
Outside?-Mama,  let's go for a walk & look for ducks, turtles, flowers & clouds!!!
You also ask to eat?? 20 xs/ day (That must have been why you gained so much weight this month.

You are obsessed with airplanes & can hear them well before anyone else notices. You point to the sky & exclaim, "airpane, airpane!"  You know that your Pop Pop rides a motorcycle so you're very attuned to engines roaring down the road &
ask, "Pop Pop?"

Still sleeping like a champion thru the nite EVERY nite!!  Moving towards one nap a day usually sleeping between 2-3 hours around 10 am. Sometimes your nap might be shorter & you will take a 2nd short nap around 3pm. You sleep with Cookie Monster, Ernie & your 2 giraffes.

I wanted to hold off on letting you watch TV until 2 but that didn't happen. You got the worst cold ever & all we could do was make a lil blanket bed & all 3 of us hunkered down in front of the TV. We discovered you liked Sesame Street!! You also love the Baby Einstein Baby Galileo video.

Love you my spunky, wild, affectionate, smarty pants!!!! xoxoxo


Christy said...

Sweet little Mia, you are growing up so fast & are getting quite the personality! Woohoo for walking, now onto to bigger & better things miss M!

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