Saturday, July 21, 2012

15 Months

At your 15 month appointment you were 17.5 lbs & 30.25 inches long. You gained hardly any weight from your 12 month visit, putting you in the 5th percentile.  You did grow over an inch & are in the 25th percentile for height. You fit comfortably in most 12 month clothes.

I'm really surprised you didn't gain more weight since you go around saying "eat, eat" all day. You love cottage cheese, broccoli, any kind of berry, ALL cheese, tuna, pasta ( you say "paa-ta"), and oatmeal. Lately you've been waking up in the morning asking for pancakes ("can cakes").  You made the switch from bottle to sippy cup.
Your recent interests include Star Wars & Sesame Street. You love opening your Star Wars ABC book & pointing while we say, Chewy, Anakin, etc. Daddy got you a giant Sesame  Street book that your obsessed with & a talking Abby doll. You love giving all of your toys hugs and kisses, patting them on the back saying "awwww".  I seriously have never seen a baby read as much as you. Anytime your at home your sitting w a book..

You had tons of fun at your 1st 4th of July parade, trying your 1st sucker, celebrating with Elle & Ada. Your still practicing walking by cruising the furniture and running with your push toys. The most you've gone is 5 steps then you crumple. I think its more of a confidence thing!!  

When the doctor check ed you out yesterday he said he saw TEN teeth coming in, including your one year  molars. The only one that has broken thru so far is your top left front.  Miraculously you have still been sleeping through the night & napping really weel.  Some days you take an almost 3 hour mornign nap & no afternoon nap, while other days you still take 2.
You can say lots of big words like strawberry & elbow. Daddy taught you to say "Allllrighty" a la Ace Ventura. We call you our mina bird bc you can literally repeat anything. Kind of scary really!!!!  You still love to sing & now have quite a few dance moves which I am hoping to capture on film.  You love to sing You are my Sunshine, your version is "Tun-tine, Tun-tine" & it is MELT YOUR MAMA"S HEART ADORABLE.  Your other favorite song is Wild Ones by Flo-Rida & Sia, you heard it on Animal Planet & now you ask for it all the time!!!

We have been trying to teach you to say Mia, by practicing Mi-Ah, but you insist on calling yourself Mi-Mi. Its so adorable & will prob be a nickname that sticks bc you gave it to yourself.


The Fish Lady said...

Can't wait to ou see you all!!

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