Tuesday, June 19, 2012

14 months

This month you seem to me to have become a tiny girl. More toddler then  baby. The dynamic at your Nana's (where you spend your time while mama & dad work) has changed immensely with the addition of Baby Ivie.   I worried that you would be sad or jealous that you weren't the only baby (Elle is 5 afterall). i was wrong. YOU love her. You yell "dadi i-veeee" (baby Ivie) all day long. You love to pat her head and snuggle her. When your not hovering over her you & Ellie play for hours.
You've become SOOOO loving & affectionate giving spontaneous hugs and pats to whoever is close by!! You even love on your stuffed animals, cuddling them & saying "awww dadi " (baby).
Your still a great eater. Literally the only thing you wont eat are scrambled eggs, although you love when I make quiche. Daddy say's its a texture thing.
Don't be surprised if you grow up to be a comic book nerd as we started off young. You own tons of cool star Wars Books (Thanks Aunt Carrie) & Super Hero Toys. You can already identify Yoda, Chewy, C3Po & Batgirl!!!
Took your 1st trip to the zoo w/ Mama, Daddy, Aunt Carrie & Uncle Phil
It looks like you have 6 top teeth coming in, your poor gums are all puffy, but none have actually popped through.
 Your ability to climb & manever has gottwn so much better. You can climb onto your rocking lion, or ride your Princess push toy. Nana has a bike that we strap you on for walks & though you cant pedal, you can defnitely ring the little bell!!!!
I can not believe how willful you are. Always testing us. You put your hand on your bow, wanting to pull it out ONLY bc you know I want you to leave it. You have the most devious look when your trying to be naughty!!!
You love going to the park, having play dates with Gavin & Ada, going to the New Albany Library, playing with the iphone, dancing, reading & your favorite...WREAKING the cutest HAVOC!!


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