Friday, May 18, 2012

!3 Months

This 1st picture was taken today at your 1 year check up. Your officially 13 months old& weigh 17bs 4oz. You are 29 inches long. My tiny girl!!!! You still only have your 2 bottom teeth but your eye teeth look like they will pop thru any moment! Ouch!!

Your vocabulary continues to amaze everyone who spends time with you. You can pretty much repeat ANY word that we say. You are especially good with animals, not only knowing their names but the sounds the make. It is adorable to hear you say "bird, tweet tweet!!!"
You got to spend time with Daddy's side of the family this month. Your Grandma Mary, Great Aunt Linda, Aunt Lori, Uncle Don, Ricky, Aunt Carrie , Uncle Phil & Aunt Moe came into town to celebrate your first birthday.  Here we are at Franklin Park Conservatory. Aunt Linda  even made her famous gnocchi. Daddy was in heaven!!!

Your mobility & coordination are starting to catch up with your crazy vocabulary. Your a lightening quick crawler, though i miss that cute zombie crawl you used to do.  Your climbing the steps, pulling up and everything & just this week started walking with your push toys. It's the CUTEST THING EVER!!!

Your a great eater, amazing sleeper (still sleeping thru the nite, EVERY NITE!!), lover of songs, books, people, pets. Your growing to love life & we couldn't be more proud of you!!!!


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