Monday, April 6, 2009

Pet Predictor

Damon, knowing my zodiac obsession sent me THIS article. He thinks my pet match is HILARIOUS.

According to my sign, "Pisceans are often looking to escape the daily grind of life with a magical and captivating experience. Tropical, colorful fish in a scenic aquarium are the pets to provide Pisces with such an encounter. Tropical fish come in an assortment of bizarre shapes and colors that are sure to enchant the treasured space of a Pisces. The bubbling water, luminous colors, and swimming fish all combine to give a Pisces a wonderful getaway within the home."

According to HIS sign, "Virgos, who are very clean and often picky perfectionists, demand the best. The Bernese Mountain Dog satisfies all of a Virgo's high standards. These dogs are remarkably clean and are bred to be friendly and obedient servants. They are very easy to train and want to please as much as possible. This dog will gladly accompany a Virgo who donates time and services to a worthy cause and happily pitch in. Virgos will love working side-by-side with these diligent, loving dogs."

Do you think they could play???


sara said...

it says i should have a hamster and derrick should have a spider! hmmm... speedy kinda looks like a hamster if you use your imagination and phife is black like a spider.....

Monkey Love said...

Ber Ber says no no no to a pom, she wants a whippet and a weimearaner!

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