The Thursday of Thanksgiving we packed up the fam (mom, dad & me) & headed to see Grandma (and her "new" friend), my aunt & uncle(s), & cousins. Sadly, this doesn't happen as often as it should (like once every couple of years)!
Yet, it never fails, the moment i am near them, my heart warms. They know me, really know me..It doesn't matter how much time passes between visits..they really know me. As my grandma gave me a greeting hug she whispered, "Do want a shower"? I thought how does she know that's all i want to do??? I hate how i feel after traveling (even if it is just for 4 hours), gritty, sweaty & just YUK. Then I realized, she KNOWS me. I LOVE that!!! My aunt calls me Lizzy & I love that too!
To seal the deal my dad belted a few lines of Over the River, & I kissed mom & dad's cheeks as we crossed the state line. Love those family traditions!!!!
Then on Sunday, Damon & I hosted dinner at my house. He was in charge of the Turkey, while i made the fixings, green bean casserole(YUM), sweet potato casserole (not so hot), Waldorf salad, mashed, & the grand finale .. a pumpkin cake to die for (mine is not quite as pretty as the pic, don't judge!)!!!! Thanks to Robyn for posting this recipe!!!!! After dinner, we rolled ourselves downstairs ( i forced everyone) to play Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture. We didn't use the board we just answered the questions, first one to ten (by TWO of COURSE..Robin, Dave, & Damon) wins.![](
Did you know that Cadbury makes Christmas eggs??? YIIIPPPEEEE!!!!
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