Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fall Harvest Fun

Growing up all of my extended family was in Indiana. We went and visited once or twice a year but being an only child  I always wished for more big family celebrations . Lucky for me my Aunt and her hubby bought some land 17 minutes from my house. This weekend we went out for our 2nd annual hay ride and eat all the sugar party!! She even made a little pumpkin patch for all the kids.
Love seeing how the kids have changed since last years visit. Obvi the babies have gotten bigger but the changes in my Mia Isabelle are most noticeable. She's lost the last traces of pre-schooler and become this know it all, smarty, independant six-nager. It's hard completely losing my baby girl but I love hanging with this little woman, spitfire. Tonite she was singing under her breath one of my fav country songs and it just blew my mind that she likes it as much as I do. Definitely my little mini me. It takes the sting away a little to at least have 2 babies still toddling around & a preschooler writing all his letter backwards.


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