Happy Birthday to my Wesley David. His 3rd year was so full of change & growth. Just six days after he turned three Wes became a big brother to TWO baby boys. He transitioned amazingly well. Maybe because his behavior wasn't that great to begin with, (hahaha) we didn't notice a huge change. He has always been gentle, kind & interested in his brothers. It was the realationship with his big sister that was at constant odds. For 9 nine months they fought, bickered, called each other names and pretty much made each other miserable. I thought for sure they were going to grow up despising each other.

It was here I could start to pinpoint a change in their relationship. Instead of having one day a month where they might play nicely together, they would have 3 or 4 days in a row!!! I'd find them in Mia's bed sharing the ipad for morning cartoons. He no longer fusses when it's time for school although I still think he would prefer to stay home & play with his friends all day (who wouldn't?). His teacher said he has recently started taking more time & is showing pride in his projects, AKA he didn't give a crap before. I've noticed at home too, all of sudden he loves coloring and will spend an hour on one picture. It's so funny because usually he only uses one color crayon. I'm so glad I stuck with taking both kiddos to their swim lessons. It's not always easy to find the energy after working all day to haul both kids every week but the pay off has been SO WORTH IT On so many levels!!!

Happy Birthday baby! I'm so proud of all the things you accomplished this year! Starting pre-school, being the best big brother & showing excitement for learning & adventuring. Every year with you gets better & better.
This post is in partnership with Goldfish Swim School.
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