Saturday, April 18, 2015

Happy Birthday Mia Isabelle

Happy Birthday baby doll. We love you so much.  You started school this year & absolutely love it. We've been watching lots of Disney movies together & your saving all the pennies in your piggy bank to go to Disney World. You sleep with a different stuffed toy every nite. Sometimes it's Kitty or Icy, other nites it might be Belle or Ariel. Everyday you pick out your outfit &it usually includes a tutu. You've been asking to go back to ballet class.  You weigh 30 lbs & wear a 4t. You went through a phase complaining of stomach pains & having tons of nite terrors. We took you off dairy & it really seems to have helped!!!! You still complain of your knees hurting but I think those are growing pains. I love hanging out with you at Barnes & Noble or the American Girl store. You are my tiny shadow and for the most part I love it. The other nite I got frustrated (smothered?)  & yelled at you. Five minutes later you were hugging me, telling me I was the best mom ever. Thank you for loving me like that. It's the best thing in the world.


Unknown said...

Her tiny bun. Her big smile. Her outfit. These photos. J'adore. Happy day to your girl!

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